Ethereum: Research differences between multi-signal and shamir secret division
The Ethereum network, built on a blockchain protocol, has evolved to support various cryptographic techniques for safe transmission and storage of data. The two basic methods used in this context are multi-signal and Shamir’s secret division. Although they both share similar goals – to ensure confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of encrypted data – they differ significantly in their basic algorithms and approaches to implementation.
The scheme with multiple signing is a cryptographic technique that requires several parties (signatories) to collectively sign and submit a encrypted message package or data package. This approach ensures that only when all the signatories have confirmed the identity of the recipient and the contents agreed can be accessed, transmitted or stored.
To illustrate this concept, consider a scenario in which you want to transfer the cryptocurrency currency from one address of the wallet to another. If each of your recipients sign a transaction using their own private key, the sender must check that all the signatories agree on the identity of the recipient and the details of the transaction before they continue to transmit. This requires a significant amount of computer power, which makes schemes with more signing suitable for safe transactions in which high safety is needed.
Shamir’s secret sharing
Shamir’s Secret Sharing (SSS) is a encryption technique developed in 1985 by computer scientist Eli Shamir. It allows users to share their data safely with certain access levels, based on their participation in the process. The SS Algorithm ensures that only those authorized can recover original data or perform certain surgery.
The basic idea behind the SSS is to divide the data into pieces (called shares) and to assign each user an appropriate number of shares based on their level of participation. When the user wants to approach the share, he uses his secret key that corresponds to a certain share they need. Shamir -ov algorithm provides strong security guarantees to share data with certain users.
Key differences
Although both Multi-Signal and SSS aim to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access, there are critical differences between them:
- Computer Requirements
: Multiple Signature Schemes require significant computer resources (eg server energy consumption) to check the recipient’s identity before allowing access to data. On the other hand, Shamir’s secret division uses mathematical complexity and does not require significant calculation.
- Safety and integrity of data : Both techniques provide strong security guarantees; However, the SSS inherently includes protection for certain user roles in the data division process. Multiple signals schemes often need to design around more complex algorithms that can withstand a high level of complexity.
- User roles and permission : Shamir’s secret division usually supports the hierarchical approval system based on the participation of the user in the data division process. This means that users have access to certain sections or parts of common data according to their role in the system.
Select between multiple signals and SSS
The choice between multi-prints and Shamir secret division ultimately depends on your specific case of use:
- Safety requirements : If you need an extremely high level of security, such as access to encrypted financial transactions or sensitive government data, consider using a more complex algorithm such as Shamir’s secret division.
- Access to Role -based Roots : For data sharing applications that require user roles and permissions (eg corporate networks), Shamir’s secret division is likely to fit better because of his support for hierarchical control of approaches based on roles based on roles .