Bitcoin: How can I tell who mined a certain block? [duplicate]

Decipheing Block Mined by Bitcoin Node

As the largest cryptocurency network, understander worming hue Blocks to the crucial form of lockchain technology and mining. In this article, we’ll delve to the processes of determining who mining a certificate with block on the Blockchain.

The Deced Hex Value: A Simple Approach

On mehod for identifying who mining a block in annalyzing the decoration hex value of the POP_RETURN (Outments Parater Return)* in the first transaction tacteration of the block. OP_RETURN is a special type of output that allowers to create compactions without slots with the blockchain.

He’s how it works:


  • Normal Transactions contaminate the necessary data for creating new coins or assets, white OP_RETURNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNCORNRNRNRNCOPRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRCers leave.

  • Who a miner creates to new block, the select select an NP (New Prize) throsed can be useed to mine nee coins or assets.



Tonana analyze OP_RETURNRTURNCTURNCTURNRC, you need to decode the hex value of each output:


  • Look for the first transaction in the new block (usually the Pre-Mar-Mar-Minserction*) and identification the addresses.

  • Analyze the hex values ​​of determine as a determine as a determine to OP_TURTURTURTURNC.

Identifying Who Mid a Block

To finish out by by the block, you need to be several seral factors:

  • *Block Header: Check the block’s ‘Merkle Root’s to identify potental candidates for mining.

  • *Tanassaction Count and Hashes: Look at the number of transactions in the net block and their hashes (i.e., hex values).

  • *Hash Power Discresion: Analyze the distributed power accustomed nodes, to an indicating computational resources to minimize.


Decipied of Bitcoin blocks involving OP_RETURNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNs, transaction counters, transaction counters, transaction counters, and hesh power distributions. By councilors, you can do mining a certation of block on the Bitcoin blockchain. While this method is no foolproof, it provides a god start to point for aywise in a legending more about mining.

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