Importing Multiple Watch-Only Ethereum Addresses Using ImportDress'
Ethereum provides a powerful tool for importing large numbers of addresses into your wallet or contract. One such command is theimportdressrpc method, which allows you to import multiple watch-only addresses in bulk.
In this article, we'll explore how to useImportDressto Import 100+ Watch-Only Ethereum Addresses at Once.
The Basics
Before diving into the code, let's cover some essential concepts:
* Watch-Only Addresses : These are addresses that are not required for Smart Contract execution but can be used in other contexts, such as creating a contract or using them as input to specific functions.
* RPC (Remote Procedure Call) : This is a messaging system that allows you to interact with ethereum nodes over the internet.
The importdress' command imports one watch-only address at a time. To use it for importing multiple addresses, you'll need to loop through each address and execute the import command separately.
Import 100+ Watch-Only Ethereum Addresses Using ImportDress
Def Main ():
Initialize an instance of the ethsnft contract
snft = ethsnft.ethsnft ()
Define a list to store the input addresses
inputs = []
Loop through Each Address (1-100) and Import it using ImportDress
For I in Range (1, 101):
Create a new input object with the current address
input_OBject = snft.input (s)
Add the input object to the list of inputs
inputs.append (input_object)
Execute the ImportComand RPC Method On Each Input Object
results = []
for input in inputs:
result = snft.importaddress ("importaddress", "0x ..." + str (input.address))
results.append (result)
Print the imported addresses along with their corresponding hashes and balances
for I, (result, address) in enumerate (zip (results, inputs)):
Print (F "Address {I+1}: {Address.address}, Hash: {Address.Hash}, Balance: {Address.balance}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Main ()
This script defines a Main
Function that initializes an instance of theIt then loops through each address (1-100) using a
forloop, creates an input object for each address, imports it using 'importadress
, and adds the result to theresults' list.
Finally, the script prints out the imported addresses along with their corresion hashes and balances.
Example Output
Assuming you've executed this script correctly, here's what the output might look like:
Address 1: 0x … 1234567890ABCDEF, HASH: 0x … 1234567890ABCDEF, BALANCE: 100
Address 2: 0x … 9876543210FedCba, Hash: 0x … 9876543210FedCba, Balance: 50
Address 3: 0x … 34567890123456789, Hash: 0x … 34567890123456789, Balance: 75
Address 100: 0x … 54321098765432109, hash: 0x … 54321098765432109, BALANCE: 25
As you can see, each imported address is printed along with its corresfonding hash and balance.